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20 Factual Reasons Why Not To Smoke

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Smoking Kills

One of the most alarming issues that throttle the existence of mankind has to be the non-stop consumption of tobacco. One out of two users are touted to die prematurely, world over. I know that what I am writing below is not new to you, but just consider it as a reminder.

1) Cancer and Heart Problems:

has been proven to be a significant cause of cancer as it clogs your with tar, in addition to causing heart-related diseases and deaths.

2) Deadly Diseases:

It also acts as a catalyst in giving rise other kinds of cancer like colon cancer, bladder cancer and cervical cancer.

3) Diabetes:

is a chronic illness which alters the level of sugar in your body. can cause a person to be prone to mellitus type II.

4) Erectile Dysfunction:

As we all know the amount of blood flow alters erection of the male genital into the organ. blocks the arteries by building up plaque and restricts proper blood flow. This could result in erectile dysfunction as the organ would be receiving reduced blood flow.

5) Cataracts:

Excessive can result in information on cataracts and also give rise to glaucoma which can lead to blindness.

6) Blood Clots:

People who have thicker blood than others. The thicker the blood, more are the chances of clots forming in blood vessels, and this would result in suffering a stroke.

7) Saggy Skin:

If you are conscious about how you look, then it is advisable to stay away from smoking, as it adds age to your overall appearance. makes your skin sag and also gives a yellowish stain to your and nails.

8) Menopausal Issues:

Women who have been reported to have a higher level of hot flashes as they pass through menopause.

9) Infertility:

In both men and women alike, decreases infertility. In women, the rate at which an egg is produced gets reduced, and in men, the sperm gets damaged.

10) Hearing Problems:

Surveys and researches have stated that approximately 72% of smokers suffer from hearing problems which increase with age.

11) Pregnancy complications :

has to lead to many pregnancies being ectopic and also in the infant being born with cleft palates. A child living in a household where is prevalent could also succumb to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome due to passive smoking.

12) Muscle degeneration and bone issues:

With age, smoking will reduce the strength of your bones and muscles. A smoker will be more prone to rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and fractures.

13. Medical Bills:

Not only does smoking increase your chances of incurring higher medical bills but it also increases your chances of early death.

14. Poor Immunity:

Smoking brings down your immunity levels much faster and makes you vulnerable to various kinds of diseases and infections.

15. That Stinky Stench:

No one would appreciate a person who smells of all the time! Smokers beware, you might be turning prospective beaus and professional partners away from you due to the stench that comes off your regular smoking habits.

16. The Dreaded Tuberculosis:

Smoking anyways harms your lungs. People who have already suffered from tuberculosis earlier should refrain from smoking as it increases the chances of a relapse.

17. Consumption of Junk:

Smoking increases your appetite and makes you crave for more unhealthy and junk food. It also increases your urge to consume caffeine.

18. Sleep Cycles:

Smoking prohibits you from having a sound sleep and causes disturbed and irregular sleep patterns.

19. Those Stinking Walls:

We know how tough it is to get rid of that nasty smell from the walls. The odor from walls does not go quickly. You may dispose of a cigarette in ten minutes, but how frequently can you change your wall painting?

20. Affecting Your Wallet Too:

Since when you have been smoking, how many packs per day/week, how much is the price of a pack of cigarettes, and then do the math.

Kick the habit in its butt. Nip the demon in its bud. Strike the iron while it’s hot. Don’t let kill you.

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