Very few products on the planet appeal like the holy grail of all addictions: the cigarette. One-third of the world’s population smokes a mighty 15 billion cigarettes a day! That’s a whopping amount of tar lung. It is a concoction of tobacco leaves and 4800 other harmful chemicals, out of which 9 are known to cause cancer.
Why Is It So Hard To Quit Smoking?
It is not just a bad habit or an addiction. It is a vicious trap. No smoker on the planet remembers the day she or she decided to regularize smoking. But they all do remember their first experimental puff. After that, it is just about happily giving in to the toxic neural viscosity that takes over bloodstreams and every part of the body.
Why is vaping considered to be better than smoking? Here are 30 reasons why we think you should quit smoking and start vaping, as vaping is a safer alternative to smoking:
By not switching to vaping and e-cigarettes, you are mindlessly cruel to yourself and your loved ones. Aren’t you? The ones who are waiting back home, with their pretty smiles; would you want to kiss them goodbye forever? So, my Nouveau e-cig aficionados, what are you waiting for? Go Cloud Chasing!
Better Sleep:
Quitting cigarettes ensures you have a sound sleep at night. Reduction in nicotine levels restores your sleep cycles. You nag pretty less and remain calm most of the time.
Renewed Vigor:
Congratulate yourself for the first daring step towards de-addiction! Welcome back to life! Leaving behind 4000 toxic chemicals ushers in a renewed vigor, zeal and optimism towards life.
Quality of Breathing:
Your breathing improves substantially, and that is reportedly one of the most immediate benefits of vaping, reported by vapers all around the world.
Protection from Cancer:
Cigarettes are an open invitation to disease and death. You are just one cigarette close to cancer. If you quit smoking now, you will save your life.

Sick Marketing Advertisements:
The ubiquity of cigarette ads is sickening. Once you switch to vaping, you will realize that those adrenaline gushing Texan cowboy advertisements were just meant to burn your lungs and pockets.
Single Biggest Killer:
Unlike wars and epidemics, tobacco smoking is the single largest killer of all times. It is slated to kill more than a billion people in the next hundred years. The cigarette is the single most substance on the planet which will kill more than half of its long-term users if used as intended. It is eating you and your kids alive.
Being Healthy, is Out of Question:
Tarring your lung, and filling your systems with thousands of chemical substances will never help you to be healthy. Spending an hour at the gym without being tired will be a miracle. Be kind to your health and stop smoking.
Triggers Asthma And Chronic Bronchitis :
A variety allergens in cigarette smoke triggers asthma, and causes recurrent injuries to your airways because it contains irritants, leading to chronic bronchitis.. You really can save yourself, by quitting smoking and start vaping.
A notorious Cough:
Your body tries to fight chronic bronchitis in attempting to expel excessive mucous from your lungs which will result in a sore throat, shortness of breath, exhaustion, runny nose, fever and pleurisy.
Reduction in Anxiety Disorders:
As you continue to cling on to cigarette buds, your anxiety disorders only elevate. Vaping unhooks you from the graveyards of tobacco carcinogens.
Passive Smoking Vs Passive Vaping :
One of the most heartening reasons that should compel you to quit smoking is the fact that passive smoking is as dangerous as smoking, whereas passive vaping has zero side-effects on people in the vicinity.
Enhanced Libido And Long Lasting Intercourse:
Cigarettes kill erections. Long-term smokers suffer from erectile dysfunctions. Also, switching from smoking to vaping improves libido dramatically. So it is not only about your health, it is about your life.
Cigarette smoking adversely affects the fertility levels of both men and women. Let’s not even get started about the damage to ovulation, eggs and miscarriages meted out by cigarettes.
Vapes are very approachable from a cost perspective, lighter on your pockets, as well as your health.
Guilt-Free Addiction:
We are addicted to pleasure. Wars were won, fortunes were built, and lives were lost due to big daddy tobacco. But vaping is pure nirvana and hasn’t exploited anyone as big tobacco did. Play with those dirty tornadoes!
An Anti-Aging Anecdote:
Vaping is an anti-aging alternative; cigarettes cause you to look older. They gift wrinkles and saggeta-saggy skin.
Restoring Metabolism:
Quitting tobacco restores metabolism. So it is another great way to lose weight. Also vaping has a sweet taste, so you will not need more sugar or desserts.
Resurrect Your Tarry Lungs:
Before it is too late and before irreversible damage has been done to natural cleaners called cilia inside your lungs, start vaping so that you can restore your lungs to normalcy.
Foe of Antioxidants:
Cigarettes reduce the levels of antioxidants in the body and weaken overall immunity. So become strong again and stop smoking.
Baldness and Age-Spots:
As if there weren’t enough side-effects to smoking, cigarettes cause baldness and create age-spots.
Brittle Bones:
Slightest of injuries will crack your brittle sorry bones, that weaken after years of puffin, puffin and puffin….whoof whoof…
Heart Attack:
Cigarettes aggravate heart complications and increase chances of heart stroke because your blood becomes thicker, like a sludge.
Lung and Liver, For a Toss:
Both liver and lungs will suffer from catastrophic disintegration and undeniable damage.
Gum Diseases and Oral Cancer:
Unbearable mouth odor and gum inflammations/infections are only the beginning. Regular tobacco usage erodes your enamel, promotes cavity, and is an open invitation to a plethora of gum diseases and oral cancer.
Arsenal of Chemicals :
About 70 chemicals (pre-combustion) and 4000 chemicals (post-combustion) make cigarettes mor dangerous than a dreaded ticking bomb. Butane, cadmium, stearic acid, carbon monoxide, methane, arsenic, acetone, methylamine, toluene, polonium, methanol and ammonia are some examples.
Calmer, Addiction Free Life:
By giving up on cigarettes, live an addiction-free life and live a relatively more tranquil life.
Reduction in Medical Bills:
You break away from the vicious circle of medicines and hospitalizations, by bidding adieu to cigarettes.
Smoking cigarettes is one of the main causes of snoring. So stop the noise, and sleep calmly without snoring by quitting smoking.
Save The Planet:
With every cigarette the billions of people smoking around the world, they are not only killing themselves, but also killing our planet. Please quit smoking and save our earth.
Hormonal Balance:
The adrenaline levels are normal; there is no more over-reliance on the nicotine sponsored dopamine high emanating from cigarettes because vaping will take care of your dopamine cravings and oral fixation without toxic chemicals entering your body.
If you want to read more about the same topic, you can go to: Why You Should Quit Smoking and Start Vaping and 20 Factual Reason Why Not To Smoke