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Is Vaping Really Safer Than Cigarettes?

Is vaping really safer than smoking?

Think of as a classic sport: it generates a significant amount of joy, is a leveller, and a global phenomenon. To many, it is a way of life. At the cost of sounding outlandish, the cult is even religion to many. A religion is devoid of rat-races, pretence and dogmas. Vapes are meant to be enjoyed, devoured and relished. Savored like craft beer, Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot noir, Blue Castello and Caviar.

Are you addicted to and trying to quit?

One Puff leads to another, and that one to yet another, until you are fully drawn into a self-convincing loophole.

Why are vapes safer than cigarettes?

Vapes don’t clog your blood vessels. They don’t pose a risk of cancer. Unlike smoking, there is no fear of gum inflammations and infections. There are lesser heartburns because the acidity goes down due to a switch to e-/vapes.

Your immunity regains normalcy, and you have a clean smelling hair and body. The stench of burnt is gone. No more hair fall and you regain your sense of smell. Congrats! Your kid and your dog child won’t catch cancer; your wife won’t have to die as a passive smoker. Because of vapes, you can prevent further dental deterioration and those painful root canal sessions.

An Asthma-Bronchitis free life and more savings. The chances of pancreatic cancer go down and the internal defense mechanism of lungs: cilia re-grows. Smokers lose an average of 12-14 years of life; it causes damage to the fetus. harm the unborn child by lowering the flow of blood and damaging placenta.

contain Carbon Monoxide (CO) which is a poisonous chemical affecting the functioning of hearts. These also expose your body to harmful chemicals like Nicotine, due to which your immune system will badly affect. Chainsmokers can save money they spend on cigarette packets and spend wisely on insurance, mutual funds, recurring deposits or anything else.

Still unsure about vaping?

is -free, devoid of combustion, gives the same high and has variety. A heating component heats combustible elements like oil, wax or herbs is is produced just before combustion. The user then inhales this through a device.

The adaptability of vapes:

You could be a novice with a cig-a-like, an intermediate with a vape pen or an expert taking hits from vape mods. You could choose from wax, oil or herbs as a component of your device.

cannot be customized to give you an experience as per your preference whereas a device can be adjusted as per your need. Fixed voltage, variable voltage, variable temperature or tube mods name it, and you can get them as per your specifications which shall help you alter the flavor intensity, amount of production or even the limit to which the hits your throat.

Oh, Dayum those Double O’s, the mighty tornadoes and tripsy ghosts, vaping is fun, ain’t it?

If you still need to read more about why you should quit and start vaping, as a safer replacement, please go to: Is Vaping Healthier Than Smoking? and also you can read: Why Vaping Isn’t Harmful?

Also we have wrote 30 Reasons Why You Should Quit Smoking And Start Vaping.

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